

Media in Kerala is currently undergoing a serious crisis of credibility. This accumulated trust deficit stems not entirely from the global fall in grace of corporate media whose news values are being shaped by market forces. The 15-odd TV channels and the mainstream newspapers in the state are fast losing their claim to integrity and fairness mostly because of its inability to initiate self-reform by scrutinizing biases and the questionable set of media practices it follows. Counter Media is a civil society initiative that will offer voices of dissent and help improve the quality of news. The website is edited by BRP Bhaskar.
What we propose to do
  • Detecting bias, unchallenged assumptions, stereotyping, self-censorship etc. and documenting them
  • Providing timely criques and in-depth analysis of news reports that are  factual, not rhetorical
  • Challenging mainstream media and compel them to initiate reforms
  • Empower, educate journalists by offering them alternate points of view, story ideas and links to resources
  • Encourage public participation in media criticism
  • Uphold freedom of speech and expression
  • Help initiate structural reforms in media.
  • Help establish independent sources of public interest journalism.
  • Foster research into journalism and journalistic practices


ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ